(originally published in Rulerless Literary Magazine)
A world of dreams that’s brought to life
Through labor and community,
Where all share in the joy and strife
Through famine and prosperity.
Where valued peace and unity
Are so much more than just mere talk,
Where privilege lacks impunity
The shepherd wanders with no flock.
Another world is possible
That’s not deeply rooted in greed.
The ocean’s not uncrossable,
An economy based on need,
Where one person’s wealth cannot exceed
What’s good for the whole block,
Authority there has no need,
The shepherd wanders with no flock.
It’s not just living in my head,
Other people see it too,
The valley where ancestors bled
To create the world anew.
The lumpen wake to their debut,
Power over others mocked
A revolutionary view,
The shepherd wanders with no flock.
A new world where we all can thrive,
with a foundation built on rock.
A place where birthright is deprived
The shepherd wanders with no flock.