Vowing to Purge Trans Teachers from Texas Schools, Gov. Abbott Belongs in Prison

3 min readApr 22, 2024


This image is a parody. Abbott has never actually been seen wearing a Nazi uniform, although no one would be surprised if we learned he owns one.

The recent declaration by Governor Greg Abbott to “end” the presence of transgender and gender non-conforming teachers in Texas is a horrifying escalation of his already well-documented anti-LGBTQ+ agenda. This latest act of of political violence is not only a grave injustice to the dignity and rights of transgender people but also an appalling display of the fascist tendencies underpinning his governance.

Abbott’s actions are a blatant attempt to other and dehumanize transgender people, aligning with the worst kind of oppressive, authoritarian leadership that views any deviation from “the norm” as a threat to be eradicated. By promising to purge Texas schools of trans and other gender non-conforming teachers, Abbott is openly promoting a regime where diversity is punished and ostracized while conformity is enforced by the State under the guise of public policy and “protecting children.” This is nothing short of state-sponsored persecution.

As a former teacher who has been openly gender non-conforming for 30 years, I’m appalled by the chilling effect these policies have on educators like Rachmad Tjachyadi, who was forced to resign from their teaching job in Lewisville, Texas simply for being true to themself. This is a person who walked into his classroom every day, donned in their identity with courage, only to be met with virulent hate spearheaded by those who should be safeguarding our rights, not trampling them. It is a blatant attack not only on individual freedoms but also on the very essence of what education stands for — enlightenment, understanding, and acceptance.

Abbott’s remarks at the Young Conservatives of Texas convention, where he criticized a teacher’s mode of dress rather than their ability to educate and inspire young minds, is a testament to his skewed priorities. It’s despicable that Abbott chooses to stir up controversy over a non-issue while ignoring the real educational challenges, such as resource allocation, teacher pay, and student welfare. His support for school voucher programs under this context isn’t about enhancing educational choice; it’s about privatizing education to control and homogenize it, pushing out those who do not fit a narrow, discriminatory, cis-supremacist mold.

What Abbott seems to forget is the ruling of the 2020 Supreme Court in Bostock v. Clayton County, which protects employees from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. His relentless pursuit to defy this ruling by targeting trans individuals in the workforce is not only legally dubious; it’s morally repugnant. On the other hand, I would be surprised if that little punk was actually trying to force issues like this up the chain to the increasingly illegitimate Supreme Court, which is stacked with similarly extremist rightwing, cis-supremacist sexual predators like Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh.

Governor Abbott’s actions are an insult to the principles of democracy and human rights. They not only undermine the progress made in LGBTQ+ rights but also jeopardize the well-being of every citizen who might one day find themselves on the wrong side of his bigoted, authoritarian, scapegoating tactics. It’s already no just trans folks. We’ve his persecution, illegal trafficking, and even attempted murder of immigrants (by lining parts of the Rio Grande with deadly razors) who are either from or coming through Mexico. It’s time for all people of conscience to stand up and demand that these fascist practices be halted, and for leaders like Abbott to be held accountable for their attempts to institutionalize fascist policies of persecution based on his belief in the natural superiority of cis people.

This isn’t just about protecting trans and gender non-conforming teachers; it’s about fighting for a future where everyone can live authentically without fear. It’s about ensuring that our schools can be safe havens of learning for all students and educators, regardless of their gender identity. Governor Abbott, your fascist agenda has no place in Texas or anywhere else in a just society. We will resist, we will fight back, and we will prevail.




Author, screenwriter, publisher, game maker, musician, & organizer. EIC at Android Press, Solarpunk Mag, Rural Oregon life. Trans and anti-authoritarian.